Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: The Six Key Components

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Last week we discussed how the probability of attaining enduring success increases dramatically if an organization is both “Smart” and “Healthy.” We spoke to the observation that Healthy organizations excel at getting everyone on the “Same Page.” Unfortunately, we also noted that 95% of leadership teams are not even halfway to being truly on the Same Page for a host of reasons. The truth is, it isn’t complicated and, as we demonstrated last week, it is entirely worth the effort.

So how do we get everyone on the Same Page?

Getting everyone on the Same Page starts with the leadership team agreeing to look at, and run, the business as a unified team. They need to work from the same playbook, or what we refer to as an operating system. Truth is, one of the many reasons most organizations are not on the Same Page and are not particularly healthy is there are more playbooks or operating systems out there than there are companies. (If you give this observation even a moment of reflection, suspect numerous memories, thoughts and emotions will flow.)

The other truth is, at their core, good playbooks or operating systems need to be just two things: simple—for a host of obvious reasons (easier to master, easier to teach), and inclusive. They need to codify the core principles and activities that define the who, what, when and how so that everyone within the organization is truly on the Same Page, operating from the same playbook.

Our experience, working with hundreds of companies, has led us to teach leadership teams how to master an operating system comprised of just “The Six Key Components™”:

1. Vision: Who are we (core values), what is our purpose (core focus), where are we going and why (inspiring goal)? How are we going to get there (marketing strategy), and what do we need to do to get there (near-term to do’s and goals)?

2. People: How do we best organize ourselves to meet our near, medium, and long-term goals (with a focus on what we absolutely have to accomplish over the next nine to twelve months)? That is, what seats do we need to have, what are the roles and responsibilities associated with each of them, and do we have the right people to fill those seats? If not, what do we need to do?

3. Data: Do we have a short list of key measurables that give us a weekly pulse for our business? Do we know who is responsible for what and if not, what do we need to do?

4. Issues: Do we have an open and honest environment where issues are raised and efficiently dealt with? If not, what do we need to do?

5. Processes: Do we have a simple, consistent, documented, and measurable way of executing each of our core processes (e.g., Sales, Marketing, HR, etc.) so that our way of doing business is scalable and understood by all, and if not, what do we need to do?

6. Traction®: Do we have a clear sense for who is responsible for what by when? Do we have a consistent and efficient process for not only ensuring accountability and discipline but effectively coming together to identify, prioritize, discuss and address our challenges and opportunities? If not, what do we need to do?

I know, this is all easier said than done.  That said, Healthy leadership teams—those genuinely building enduring organizations—are masters at managing the above “The Six Key Components™” of running their business and then getting the rest of the organization on the Same Page.

Over the coming weeks we will share some simple disciplines and tools that help organizations master each of the Key Components.  We will also share a simple tool that helps measure how close we really are to getting everyone on the Same Page and truly excelling at creating a Healthy organization.

Until then, be well.


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  1. Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: 3-Year Picture - Blog - June 27, 2014 (10:43 am)

    […] achieved Same Page status on the 3-Year Picture, and you have taken a giant step closer to having all of the ingredients associated with creating a Smart and Healthy […]

  2. Why You Have to Say Something Seven Times to Get People to Listen - Blog, Leadership & Management - get people to listen October 30, 2014 (3:10 pm)

    […] And guess what?  Yep, it’s absolutely going to take sharing your V/TO with every one of your colleagues at least seven times before you and the rest of your senior leadership team have mastered the Vision Component. […]

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