Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: Same Page

"First Aid" button (red)Whether you are a large company or a small one, the probability that you will have enduring success increases dramatically if your organization is both “Smart” and “Healthy.” 

“Smart” means being really good at the hard skills: strategy, sales, marketing, product development, customer service, finance, etc.  “Healthy” means excelling at the soft skills: communicating well, collaborating well, cooperating well; minimizing politics and confusion; and fostering an open and honest environment where people genuinely enjoy working together.

Want some proof that healthy pays?  If you invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 1997, your investment would have grown to about $17,400 by year-end 2011.  If you invested the same $10,000 in Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, you would have had $39,500. 

Why? Healthy organizations excel at tapping into the collective knowledge, experience, and intellectual capital of not only their employees, but those of their customers and vendors as well.  Consequently, relative to their peer group, they have lower employee turnover (typically less than half as much), higher productivity (less shrinkage, better safety ratings), less customer turnover (higher customer services ratings) and better reputations (making it easier to acquire new customers).

So how does a company become “Healthy?” By getting everyone on the “Same Page.”  By that, we mean Healthy organizations have an overall integrity with regard to what the business is, where it is going, how it is going get there, and who is responsible for what. Collectively this is known as the What, Where, Who and How.  It’s actually really simple but most organizations don’t take the time to make sure everyone is on the Same Page at the senior leadership level with regard to these fundamentals—let alone throughout the entire organization.

Why is that? Our experience in working with over 550 companies suggests that 95% of leadership teams are not even halfway to being on the Same Page.  There are a range of reasons for this. It may be too complicated—leadership feels there are too many things to worry about and doesn’t even know where to start. It could be that leaders simply have not done the hard work to get everyone on the Same Page. They might be reluctant or afraid to address issues, or they may not have the time or appreciate the value. Another possibility is that they may be waiting to add or change out one of their senior leadership members. Whatever the reason, many leadership teams struggle to get everyone on the same page and achieve Health in their company.

So what does it take to get everyone on the Same Page and, maybe just as importantly, is there a simple way to periodically measure Organizational Health?  Stay tuned…

Until then, be well.



Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success, Part Four - Blog - November 8, 2013 (10:07 am)

    […] Each of these benefits enhances profitability and an organization’s ability to reinvest in products or services that are consistent with their Why. This in turn leads to much higher stock returns, as discussed in this series’s first blog). […]

  2. Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: 3-Year Picture - Blog - June 27, 2014 (10:29 am)

    […] a Smart and Healthy organization is getting every member of a senior leadership team on the “same page” with regard to the company’s […]

  3. Smart + Healthy = 1-Year Plan - Blog - October 8, 2014 (12:50 pm)

    […] a smart and healthy organization is getting every member of the senior leadership team on the “Same Page” regarding the answers to what we call the Eight Key […]

  4. Smart + Healthy = Enduring Success: Rocks - Blog - October 14, 2014 (9:17 pm)

    […] discussing how truly smart and healthy organizations have leadership teams that are 100% on the Same Page with regard to the answers to Eight Key Questions.  Previous posts covered the first six […]

  5. Why you have to say something seven times to get people to listen - Blog - get people to listen October 30, 2014 (3:03 pm)

    […] it with Zen-like patience), but also because after you get your senior leadership team all on the Same Page with regard to the answers to the Eight Key Questions, it is now your job as a senior leadership […]

  6. Traction Stuff: Why A Scorecard Is Critical To Your Company's Success - Blog - Scorecard is critical to your company's success March 5, 2015 (1:25 pm)

    […] look at and measure what’s important.  And they make us healthier as they help us all get on the Same Page with regard to the who, what, where, when, why, and […]

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